Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh, for Heaven's Sake...

This is one of my personality flaws - once I decide something, i.e. the date school starts for instance, I become set in my own delusions.

For example, I thought because the first two classes that I had registered for this semester started on 08/25/2008 that the third class that I added would also begin the same date. You know, same school, same curriculum, yatta, yatta, yatta...

For some unknown reason, possibly the grace of God, possibly mental illness, I happened to check my fall/2008 semester schedule this morning and nearly had an attack!

The third class begins on 08/18/2008 - NOT 08/25/2008 as I delusionally believed. I know that I still have a LITTLE BIT OF TIME to prepare, but NOT MUCH!

If you hadn't guessed, I'm a LITTLE anxious any time my schedule changes, and I am not really delighted with interruptions. My personality just does not really want to lend itself to all this willy nilly changing. I need to plan, to contemplate, and savor the last bits of freedom until the academic Armageddon that I have registered for closes in around me. My rational mind tells me, "It's just three classes; not to worry. You have taken 18 hours per semester in the past, and that turned out fine..." Unfortunately, the size of the rational side of my brain is shrinking on a daily basis, and I fully anticipate full blown hysteria by 08/18/2008.

If anyone is looking for me, I will be the person hyperventilating in the corner rocking back and forth with my knitting needles in hand, and muttering unintelligible sounds...


Anonymous said...

um...I'm assuming I'm knitting a straitjacket now....?!?

Anonymous said...

That was me...don't know why I missed on the name. Oh yeah, six days at camp on my feet for fourteen hours a day....little tired.

Cristy said...

But you're an excellent driver....

Anonymous said...

SO?!?! Did you make it to Wichita this weekend?!? I won't be there Wednesday, so I have to get my report vicariously....