Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentine's Party at the Chu's

The Friday night before Valentine's Day (aka Valentine's Eve), I went to my sister's house so that I could do Valentine's Day crafts with her girls, and so we could all have pizza together. We forgot to take pictures of the pink and red yarn octopi that we made, but I did get a picture of everyone with their red yarn Valentine's wig on.

We even made a wig for Max, who was somewhat less than thrilled, but still a pretty good sport...

The only thing I have to knit on the leprechauns are one last arm and the two top hats. I am having trouble finding the little plastic pots that are sold as pots for gold around St. Patrick's Day. I have found a fairly large size, but the size I am looking for is about the size of a small apple - anyone seen any of those of late?

1 comment:

jokir said...

Oh, I've seen that picture somewhere. All cute girls and a hottie boy. So you think the leps are a little challenging do ya? I couldn't find the small pots last year except for some cheapy looking ones with bad candy in them.