Monday, February 16, 2009

007 Versus Dr. Zaius

The aformentioned "object" is the Presto Chango sweater, and was knit in Wild Horse Fantasy in a color called FA-99. Don't you wish the yarn companies would give you names rather than numbers??? There is something so off-putting about just having a number.

At any rate, the color is a pretty true cinnamon. I made the 6 month size, and it came out to gauge, but this is a VERY generous 6 month size as you can see - but I guess that means more wear time for the kid. This was knit for a friend's new baby named Guy who was born 12/26/2008.

Natty voluntarily tried on this sweater, but I neglected to get a pic. Guy's mother, not wanting her cat to be outdone, considered trying the sweater on one of her cats (Dr. Zaius), but opted for just a photo of him near the sweater lest he remove an arm for the indignity...

Is it just me, or does Guy have the same look on his face that Dr. Zaius has about trying on the sweater?

I am working on the leprechauns - yes two of them. I can explain. It's just that Mike never is really excited about my knitting, and when he said he would like to have one I lost my head and started making one for his station at school, and one or my office. I should have thought this through a little more carefully as these are hands down some of the fussiest items on the planet. In fact, this leprechaun thing is a whole lot like work, which is not what I had planned for myself at all!


jokir said...

What a good wife! (Or just a little silly.) He's gonna love it. And baby sweater is adorable too.

Anonymous said...

Um. I think Guy looks a little happier...and less dangerous......