Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hog Bone Scarf

I am knitting an interim project to help me get over the hump of the complex project that this sweater has become, and it is a charity project. The project is to give kids in college that come from foster homes a boost of confidence, and to know that others care about them. The project is named "The Red Scarf Project", and guess what I am making, a red scarf.

I am knitting the red scarf with a very nice yarn, who knew Lion Brand could have such a lovely suede-like yarn. At any rate, I selected a pattern that would create interest, and not be too girly (as there are more guys than gals in the foster kid program). The pattern is called farrow row. At first, I thought it meant like "deep ditch". No siree bob, I looked it up, and Mr. Webster and I now both know that farrow means litter of pigs, or to have a litter of pigs. The scarf is blood red, and with all those bulky rows it looks like butchered baby pig ribs. It feels wonderful if you close your eyes, but it is about all I can do to look at it now. It just reminds me of bloody, butchered pig ribs now. Hence the name, hog bone scarf. This will be my first finished project of 2006. I hope the recipient loves it, and feels that there are people that care for him/her whether they have met or not. I must have it postmarked by the 31st of the this month. I am about half done, and hopefully I can have DMS's sweater done when it is time to go got Miss Lucy.

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